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      Bunnings Whites Wires Screw In Tent Pegs

      Bunnings Jack Screw In Tent Pegs

      Bunnings Jack Screw In Tent Pegs

      Bunnings Jack Screw In Tent Pegs

      So, you're interested in purchasing a set of Jack screw in tent pegs from Bunnings.

      Before you do perhaps you should be aware of what degree they will do the job you intend for them or risk the need to go out and outlay again for a set better for your needs.

      GroundGrabba Pro Pack GroundGrabba Lite Pack

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      Jack screw in tent pegs are just that....made from wire cut then shaped and then purposed for a screw in tent peg. Check how thin or thick they are then think about if they will hold the amount of tension you will need them to hold. They could be absolutely perfect for your needs. Do your research first to find out.

      Bunnings is a great place to find all sorts of different types of pegs, from Jack Screw in Tent Pegs to the traditional hammer in variety. You'll probably find some sand pegs also. Be aware that Jack's although may be ok in harder grounds, when it comes to loose ground it's possible these screw-in tent pegs from Bunnings may not hold as much tension as you need.

      Jack screw in tent pegs from Bunnings

      Some pegs are claimed to be "heavy duty". That is a very loose term and can only be called heavy duty if related to another which is even lighter duty. But to relate it to a screw-in tent peg that is made for purpose then I think you will find others such as the GroundGrabba Pro to be much more heavy duty.

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      Take a look at RV dailys test results of hammer in tent pegs versus screw-in tent pegs. Pay particular attention to page 175-176/350. Although Whites Wires Screw In Tent Pegs from Bunnings are not tested in this review, other brand names that are very similar to Whites wires are. Cost is a factor also so draw your own conclusions.  And as the saying pay for what you get.

      Notice GroundGrabbas have external spirals that we call 'flights'. They act kind of like an old trees roots that spread out from the stump, and we all know how hard it is to pull out a tree stump don't we?

      If you are wanting a screw in tent peg with much more grip why not check out our GroundGrabba Products as recommended by Mark Allen who wrote the RV Daily article.

      GroundGrabbas have a wide variety of applications and environments they can be used for.

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