Screw in Ground Earth Anchors
Screw in Ground Earth Anchors
Are you on the hunt for screw in ground earth anchors? Well if you are, you've probably seen many different varieties.
Some have been created for camping, others for outdoor signs and then there's those made for footings and foundations of houses with many variations in between.
At GroundGrabba our intention was to create a screw in the ground earth anchor for camping but we overshot the mark and ended up with more than just a screw in tent peg or stake because we pretty much blew others in the market out of the water (ground lol) .
Checkout what RV had to say when testing different brands.
We often get feedback from customers who use GroundGrabbas for earth anchoring lightning arrestors, testing high voltage earthing systems, road barriers, jersey barriers, cement form working, jumping castles and landscaping just to name a handful. Checkout our applications page.
With our current four consumer varieties and three prosumer varieties to choose from it can cover many applications limited by your imagination and practicality.
Our consumer range
Prosumer range (check availability)
- GroundGrabba Commercial GR14S (450mm)
- GroundGrabba Commercial GR14M (600mm)
- GroundGrabba Commercial GR14L (900mm)

Great, but how much can these screw in ground earth anchors hold?
That question is not so straight forward to answer as it varies so widely given ground type is much of what dictates the answer.
I can say this though, GroundGrabba's hold down up to 7x that of hammer-in tent peg stakes of the same length and same thickness! They can hold up to 3x that of a screw-in tent peg or coach bolt lag bolt.
Why? Because GroundGrabba's are not like any ordinary stake or screw-in tent peg. They are screw in ground earth anchors. It's about the augur design and the way the flights hold beneath the ground. Naturally when i say that, I am talking about our steel GroundGrabba's. Our GroundGrabba Lite holds well enough in soft and loose grounds but it has different characteristics.
Check out this page for hold down data that I collected.
Read what our customers have to say.....