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      Orange Screw Sand Anchor Pegs Stake

      Orange Screw Sand Anchor Pegs Stake

      Orange Screw Sand Anchor Pegs Stake

      Orange Screw Sand Anchor Pegs Stake

      Orange Screw Sand Anchor Pegs stakes are one of the most popular hand wound lightweight earth screw ground anchor stake on the market today.

      Made in the USA of plastic, Orange Screws are perfect for lightweight camping or even tethering your dog.

      It's advantage is you do not need a drill to drill the Orange Screws into the ground, so they are perfect for lightweight camping and hiking.

      Orange Screw screw-in tent peg stakes currently come in two different sizes and a few options for quantity packs available. They are one of the market leaders with a fine reputation.


      Depending on what ground type you will want to use them in, be aware that like any plastic screw in ground anchor tent peg, they have their limitations such as hard ground or fine soft sand. Also think about what type of tension will be applied. For example if you were to compare a plastic screw in tent peg or stake to a steel heavy duty one you'll know the steel one will take much much more to break in comparison.

      It is a matter of choosing the right peg for the right job where Orange Pegs excel in lightweight camping where you don't carry drills etc.

      GroundGrabba Have Three Sand Peg Stake Solutions:

      1/ GroundGrabba Lite Screw-In Earth Ground Anchor Peg Stakes

      GroundGrabba Lite Orange or White/Neutral Screw Sand Anchor Pegs Stake are made to screw and hold into soft loose and sandy ground types. The aggressive teeth like flights or spirals tear into the substrate and grip like old trees roots that fan out under the surface. And we all know how hard it is to pull up the roots of a tree stump don't we? GroundGrabba Lites are designed for guy ropes for side tension not vertical. They will not drive through eyelets but into free loose and soft ground and sand.


      GroundGrabba Lite Orange Screw In Tent Pegs for sand and loose ground, 400mm long 

      GroundGrabba Lite screw sand anchor peg stakes have been made to drive into the substrate in 3 different ways: 1/ by hand, 2/ By use of a ratchet wrench, 3/ By cordless drill with enough oomph to do the work. Each GroundGrabba Lite has a built in hook for greater guy rope holding capacity as well as a 19mm hex head to adapt to your drill to drive them in.

      2/ GroundGrabba Pro I Heavy Duty Screw-In Ground Anchor

      GroundGrabba Pro I is industrial strength made of 1008 carbon steel. You can see from its design that it reaches deep and has the flights (flutes or spirals) spread to hold firm. The GroundGrabba Pro I is 450mm in length so should not penetrate deep enough to strike underground electrical services but still offers outstanding ground holding.


      GroundGrabba Pro I from beach sand to firm ground these drill driven screw-in ground anchors are industrial strength.

      3/ GroundGrabba Pro II Heavy Duty Screw-In Ground Anchor

      GroundGrabba Pro II is similar to the GroundGrabba Pro I made of 1008 carbon steel. It also has the same design that reaches 600mm deep and has the flights (flutes or spirals) spread to hold even more.


       GroundGrabba Pro II drill driven screw in hard ground and sand peg with real bite

      Checkout our live video's of beach testing and campground tension testing to see how much horizontal pulling force it takes to haul these out of the ground. For serious drill-in tent peg ground anchoring GroundGrabba Pro II is the right choice.

      You will notice that the GroundGrabba Pro II does not have a built-in hook to hold your ropes, so you will need to either tie your rope directly under the collar or use a HexHook Pro hook plate adaptor. The HexHook Pro has a built-in 19mm tool so you could use it to help screw your GroundGrabba Pro II in manually, however they have been designed to use a drill or impact wrench to make your life easier.


      GroundGrabba Pro I and II with HexHook attached at Black Rock Desert NV USA

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